You have short hair not bald

Dear reader, I’ve a confession to make, I don’t give a flying bats turd about going bald. Many men do and indulge in a range of strange procedures to overcome this naturally occurring event. You’ll discover that it’s a billion dollar a year folly, wow, what a folly. I mean just what’s wrong with loosing your hair, just cut the remaining hair appropriately and away you go, confident, clean, good looking. Short hair not bald.

I can’t help but snigger at the ridiculous nature of the term “follicular fight” and the so called threat to a guy’s macho biker image. I remember the tv ads for a spray can of coloured hair spray that would just paint your head. Looked good, not.

What about the comb over, well that’s just obscene, i’ve seen a guy with his neck hair combed up and over his head to his forehead. Now that looked good, so much so that I could hardly tell he was fighting the follicular fight, see it’s a great term after all.

I have a grooming ritual that i’m not going to describe in too much detail, but let’s just say it takes hours over the weekend for me to look as good as I do, sexy is for others to consider. The one thing I can do is grow hair.

The fact that the Hollywood, television and famous weirdoes think that they can’t possibly show that they have lost their hair,  John Travolta, Nicholas Cage and of course Donald Trump for example and it’s hilarious. Why don’t they just accept it for goodness sake, do they really think that we care about such things.

As cruel as it is, I recommend that when spotted, the wearer of the toupee, wig, comb over, or surgically inserted bits of hair, should be reminded of just how silly they are. Now before you react, I know it’s an emotive issue for them and that many ladies suffering from treatments require a wig, but these unrealistically sensitive follicly challenged folk, should be supported and steered to wear their receding or missing hairline with pride, not shame or embarrassment.

#bald men, #comb overs, #follicular fight, #wigs