What do I like

Someone asked me today what do I like ? Or what makes me happy. Well ain’t that a question. I gave it a nano second to think up a reply. So here goes, it’s a bit like my manifest or my rant list, but hey a post is overdue and I now have electricity.

We had a mother truck’n storm this afternoon and my bride was extremely frightened, even more than the dogs. Shit scared i’d think, the thunderstorms we get aren’t as bad as the tornadoes in the US, but they really bang on big time and light up the sky. My lovely dinner was already for heat and then of course the power went out, so I arrived home to a candle light interlude, but the power returned, so we are all fine now. The interlude will have to wait.

So what makes me happy:

  • Good live music
  • Good live theater
  • Good films
  • Good quality television
  • Great clothes, as determined by me, not the idiots that mumble about with enough cliches to kill
  • Great cars
  • Great motorcycles
  • Great scenery, but not too long spent looking at it, i.e 5 days looking at the expanse and sitting in a chair – too much
  • Great food, although my secret job has ruined my love of eating out
  • Travel
  • 5 star
  • Good open, honest, worldly, accepting, free thinking people
  • Candle light interludes

If you’ve a like, why not leave it below in the comments. Good night and where are the matches ?

#What do I like?, #What do you like?