Today is all about results

The pressure has been firmly placed upon my bolder than bold backside. Come up with something relevant, entertaining and somewhat exciting enough to have you dear reader in sheer rapture, possessed with a desire to read more and loiter around here at tbaoo. I loiter here all the time but sadly I can’t click on any google ads or pump up my blogging income in any way. I can provide some shit for you to read though, I can provide some odd videos, some really groovy music and some near adult humour and hope that you return. So today is all about results.

I now know

Now that i’ve understood the principle and the path I have decided upon, comes the task of going to the principal’s office, hold out your hand Alan and accept 6 of the best, hand or bum. Of course it depended on whether you attended a state high school or a religious indoctrination centre.

Today in Australia is the release of the higher school certificate ( HSC ) results. Students in my day had to wait for the mailman and endure the excruciating pain of looking out the freak’n window every 30 seconds. Some young types actually used to camp out at the front gate waiting for the dramatic results. I didn’t have to do this – I left school the year before. I couldn’t continue (my mind and body was exploding) so I went out into the world and got myself a job so I could leave school immediately. Those that stayed the course and did the course got results of course.

Typing online

Today in the world of keyboards and something called the internet, these acne riddled, adolescent students simply log in and scream in pain or pleasure as their 6 years of high school efforts are revealed. Good luck no matter what score you got, or even if like me you didn’t last to the 6th year, life will present many opportunities and this HSC score is not the be all and end all.

Just look at me, failed careers, dead end jobs, frustration, lack of a real income, insecurity and a lazy “she’ll be right” attitude. Enough to suggest I should have stayed at school, maybe? but the other side of those disturbing personal traits is the wild ride i’ve had along the way. Far too wild to describe in detail here, no matter how much adult content I consider posting.

I did finally knuckle down and applied to attend university 30 years after leaving high school. I did 3 years purgatory, ensconced in a full time science degree and have today started my 7th year in my chosen and excitingly secret (and poorly paid) career.

So the moral of the story, (this might be a new feature at tbaoo, moral lifestyle advice from a pickled, fat, lazy old bugger) is that no matter what happens to you when you’re young, you should have a couple of years to make amends and decide on your true path.

Distracted, bitter, failed, drug addled, flatulent high school teachers and the inadequate system they work within aren’t going to determine that path. so there you are – off you go.

#australian education system, #higher school certificate, #tbaoo career, #the start of your new life