Ranting again sorry

There is something odd about modern life, just what the blazes that is, is beyond me. I’ve tried to understand, I’ve given it my best shot, but alas it eludes me. The addiction I have to understanding, only makes things worse. I’m ranting again sorry.

I’ve covered this conundrum in other posts, but it seems to becoming more confusing, this round and round thinking is dizzying in it’s itself. I have come to realise that the occupants of this planet, or at least from the tiny, speck like bits of information i’m privy to, are turning in on themselves. The faith based fanaticism screwing supposedly “individual souls” into drones of others, with a far wider and sinister agenda, seems to be becoming mainstream.

I don’t really know why this is alarming me so, it’s everywhere, everyday but thankfully not everyone just yet. So when I sit and relax over a weekend break and think, something I do too much, less thinking and more living is the answer I think, I realise just how silly we are.

One tangible and most obvious (at least to me  aspect, is that within Australia where I live, we are fast becoming a clone of American media, their newly acquired, well stolen actually, style is laced with:

  • Ridiculously fast, overly colourful and noisy graphics, swiping about the place
  • Depth of field ( slightly out of focus ) people or items of interest, in the background
  • Supposed “live crosses” to nothing except a street where something happened 6 hours ago
  • The “we care” nods and full time nodders behind politicians that have their shirt sleeves rolled up

Shit, they are trying and succeeding to frighten the living “beejesues” out of the population while distracting this great unwashed from the real issues that they should be frightened about. I suggest that what they should be frightened about and do something about is:

  • Discrimination
  • Racism
  • Lack of love (in most cases complete hatred )
  • The environment
  • The disadvantaged
  • The corrupt
  • Lack of fairness
  • Complete lack of justice
  • Lack of responsibility
  • Fraud
  • Lies
  • Mis-directed faith
  • Choice (of all kinds)
  • Obscenity
  • Health
  • Populist radio voices and television faces, denying science, facts or common decency
  • Screaming buffoons that first create and then re-enforce a swell of general ignorance

Time to relax now, just what was I thinking ?

#alarming news, #australian media, #ranting tbaoo