Full time career

No way could I foresee what a huge impact on my life this bucking bronco tbaoo would be. It’s amazing, i’m tracking, stalking, harassing, haranguing, bothering and being very friendly with a wallet load of people across the blogging universe. It’s all good stuff, I’ve made ( and will continue to make ) new online friends, people who also share a heavy workload in spreading the word. In my case the word is tbaoo and it’s nearly a full time career.

Their words are different of course, not puerile like mine, or as silly, but important, poetic, relevant, insightful, caring and informative. Mine are just plain nonsense, unless I get serious – well you’d better look out when i’m serious, it might be hard for you dear reader to tell, but don’t worry that much, normally i’ll tell you up front.

The one thing I’ve found is that you only get back what you put out. True in all walks of life, but in this blogging universe, you really have to: join any forum you find ( that connects with your aims ) be nice, don’t be too rude, keep up with posts, comments, feedback and sign up for facebook, twitter, myspace etc .. shit join everything, just sign up. Spread your url as far and wide as possible.

When you look at your Adsense revenue, don’t despair, even though you might make some bucks out of it, it’s more than, likely that you’ll not make any money. If you just post keywords, or a lesson on how to make a million dollars through Google, SEO, or some such other beat up, you may, but really who wants to read a keyword packed load of rubbish that’s more than likely misspelt and dodgy’d up language. See here, the feedback was amazing, but it was just a list.

There are some very good online ebooks, forums posts and information about so I recommend you to look at few and you’ll soon realise what is what. I’ve found lately that I need to devote at least 1/2 hour each day to keep up with posts, comments etc and i’m not really doing it enough, but the secret is to do what you can, when you can and remember that it’s meant to be fun. If it’s a job well that’s a whole different story, one that I can’t tell you, because I don’t know.

#blog advice from an idiot, #silly nonsense again, #the angles