Excuse me my book is wet

It’s official, the real world is definitely stranger, weirder, more colourful, disturbingly odd and is actually just plain loopy, forget about fiction. You should also forget about an EHO struggling to grasp the sexual nuance of his professional responsibilities, the real world is bang on with superb laughable nonsense. The outcome from protest may be excuse me my book is wet.

Today at work, whilst restraining this newly found urge to procreate with any good looking chefs that come my way, as per the fiction that is “Lincoln Point” I heard on the news the world’s most trusted and hated university Harvard, has a leak problem. It might just be a sensitivity challenged student body or just a collection of twisted academia, with sexual stigmata of the worst kind.

I mean who you sleep with, have sex with, want to have sex with, bump, rub, bounce or bubble with (whilst being a consenting adult ), is no one’s business, regular reader you will have read as much in tbaoo before.

My amazement and supplier of the sudden second sticker shock, is the newly realised, ( about bloody time it seems ), news is that the leak was not so much personal plumbing related, but actual human waste terrorism. What in the rotten passionfruit section of the supermarket is going on at Harvard, has the GFC and the Madof obscenity triggered or indeed pointed a protest movement ( no it was number ones not number twos ) into action and decided to store wee on book shelves that have a certain slant.

Well someone has targeted this particular section in the Harvard library. Then it was said that the urine, yes urine, was actually in a bottle on the shelf, now that’s ok, but the bottle was not sealed and a person, a cleaner like person apparently knocked over the inappropriately stored bottle of urine all over this unlikely selection of sexually targeted reading materials. It wasn’t the fetish section.

That’s all your worship, it’s time for a gentlemanly rest stop.

#harvard, #library with pee on books, #pee on my books, #wee on my books