Can tbaoo be less judgemental

It’s very odd, strange and somewhat less than satisfying around here at the moment. Someone asked me the other day how the blogging is going and when I thought about I realised that it’s not going very well. Maybe I need a beautiful muse? Can tbaoo be less judgemental?

I have failed to find any material for some time, the merriment and silliness I used to bathe in seems to be hiding, or further down than i can hold my breathe for. Of course I have laughed at the normal things, American and Australian (state, federal and local) politics and the weak as piss media that farts all over me on a regular basis.

In fact one local Mayoral candidate has been outed as having three women on the “go” at one time. He must really have the power. Someone did tell me that women have the ability to go ( off ), I’ve just never really concerned myself with that before now.

Now what is there to do, how about a list, you should know by now I love lists. This one is completely random and considering the style here at tbaoo, that’s saying something. It aims to asks can tbaoo be less judgemental, can I:

  • Continue to lose weight, my carbohydrate reduced diet with salad and fruit is working
  • Spread my eyes and ears a bit wider to poke fun at so much more
  • Be less judgmental
  • Be more giving
  • Care more about what is important, what others think – isn’t
  • Buy some stylish new clothes – when i’ve lost all the rubbery belly
  • Go to a doctor and sort out all my aches and pains, not the one in my arse, it can’t be removed until I win the lotto
  • Reconsider my relationships with others, maybe try to have some
  • Apologise to my bride for that last one
  • Restrict my access to unsuitable material
  • Think about the opinions of others before I completely discount them
  • Argue less or with more subtlety if I must argue
  • Keep my silly dumb jokes to myself, no-one gets them anyhow
  • Learn what you call a sheep with no head and no legs? it’s a cloud
  • Rearrange my schedule to include more, “I give a shit time”
  • Ignore the screaming crap that surrounds my house more often than before
  • Be all things to all people and be glad that I am
  • Guarantee that the next idiot who knocks on my door selling some man made fantasy, will get a punch in the hooter, no questions asked.
#be less judgemental, #tbaoo is trying to lose weight, #tbaoo lists more nonsense, #what do you call a sheep with no head and no legs? it's a cloud