Advice you can blog about

I wonder if I could be so egotistical as to provide advice to new bloggers? I suppose anyone can give advice, but it’s whether the “advisor” has any credibility in the matter of a subject. Or indeed the subject matter, it doesn’t matter, its relative. Here’s some advice to blog about. Some bloggy nature bit’s spring to mind so I thought I’d share them, you the regular dear reader would know that I love lists.

So here’s one …

  • Decide if you really want to write, show, or document your life
  • Decide what parts of it you want to share
  • Decide what part of other people’s life you might what to expose
  • Don’t use blogger – it’s so absolutely bulky and frustratingly annoying
  • Do get a free WordPress theme and their hosting to start off,  check out
  • After 3 months of regular posting and if you’re still keen to continue while developing your skills and audience, get your own domain name a .com will do, they’re cheap
  • Find a local or international hosting company that fits your budget, it’s not that expensive
  • Learn how to upload and manage your blog files via ftp
  • Major point here !! wordpress really is still the easiest way to manage your material
  • Insert loads of relevant photos into your blog
  • Make sure that you figure out the correct size of the photos within your theme
  • Don’t publish the admin and meta section in the side bar
  • Don’t fall into the trap that we all have in the past and overload your sidebar, footer, header or posts with badges, free directory links or other unnecessary clutter
  • Make sure that you remain true to the reason you decided to have a blog in the first place
  • Have loads of fun
  • Figure out how to insert Google Analytics, Adsense (not too many), and a powerful comment management system
  • Search for ways to broaden your reach without limiting yourself within a narrow focus
  • Make friends with Facebook, twitter, stumble upon and other great media
  • Get yourself a pet if you don’t have one, that’s just some general lifestyle advice thrown in, while I’m in the groove
  • After 6 months and when you think you have a need to continue, buy a premium theme
  • Above all be yourself, don’t be me and don’t be others
  • Don’t buy a flash new car based on your blog’s future earnings
  • Get yourself a nice frock or smart suit for the blogging awards, it’s bound to happen

Please retain this solid and unencumbered information any way you wish, print it out, share it, post it, link to it, link from it, talk about it, deny all knowledge of it all publicly, while following its intent like your life depended on it.

If you’d like to leave a sensible comment, a silly comment, a rude comment, a rewarding comment or in fact a “just abuse me” style of a comment – off you go, do so. I’ll add them to my collection of comments and reap the rewards, as there will be plenty – one day.

#adsense, #blogging tips, #google, #how to set up your blog, #tbaoo offers advice, #wordpress