tbaoo is angry

tbaoo is angry, I’ve had enough and to quote a famous movie line “I can’t take it any more”. In fact I think I’ve exhausted the repertoire of silliness, sarcasm, irony, cheeky shit and sheer bullshit that tbaoo has become. Lately though, it’s a poor shadow of what it was and I don’t really like what it has become. So what ? Well, I’ve got to get some new material.

I will relax for a while and try to get re-enthused, excited and not just filling in this valuable space for the sake of it or ( with the upmost respect ) fishing for comments from those who are generous to leave some. I will calm down eventually, but I leave you for now with this angry list.

  • I hate doctors who can’t do their fucking job or even communicate to real humans.
  • I hate television stations that bombard us real humans with absolute crap, every day and night and then wonder why they are losing money hand over fist.
  • I hate newspapers that still haven’t seen the light and persist in printing crap ( quote from our australian pm ) and wonder why they are going belly up even quicker than the shitty television stations, except for “ch 7” in Australia. Note to alan, their product is still shit.
  • I hate australian radio stations that want to emulate the Americans “knob in mouth” shock jock radio buffoons, such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Oh and guess what, these radio stations are going broke as well.
  • I hate that the great unwashed watch and read and listen to this unadulterated rubbish and why do they think it’s real or news or even 1% accurate ?
  • I hate that local, state and federal politicians suck so badly, well it’s because we pay them nothing and the great unwashed get the political representatives they deserve, they believe the shit they see, read and listen to, they even listen to themselves. Democracy is wasted on the great unwashed.
  • I hate that we ( unwashed or not ) are regularly surprised at how corrupt and vile big business and world finance really is.
  • I hate that there are people criticising who someone loves, or how they love. What is it about this fantastic tale that gives them a better understanding of science, life, love, relationships and morals. They really need to shut the fuck up. Yes, I see the irony, but I’m not interfering in their lives, just reacting to their interference.
  • See I told you I was mad.
  • I hate this next bit … why is it that Alan thinks anyone gives a damn about his ramblings, nonsense, humour (spelt correctly you silly Americans )  or even thinks that it’s worth the trouble to push this tirade out into the “alarmingly troubled” cyber space that is the internet. And yes you Americans, the word internet has two of the letter “t” in it, try pronouncing them.

Thank you I’ll go and rest now.

#angry, #bothered, #Democracy is wasted on the great unwashed, #I can't take it any more, #rude, #tbaoo is mad