Man Boobs are Moobs

Man boobs drive Gold Coast men into surgery

Stephanie Bedo, January 8th, 2011 Gold Coast Bulletin – (link removed

STEROID-taking men are turning to plastic surgery in an effort to perfectly sculpt their man boobs, withe medical description of gynaecomastia can grow as a result of hormonal influences in steroids, leaving gym junkies with extra breast tissue hidden behind all their muscle bulk. I say man boobs are boobs.

Benowa plastic surgeon Dilip Gahankari, of Advanced Aesthetix, said about 50 per cent of men who came in for male breast-reduction surgery had been using some form of steroid. Just this week he had three patients in and two of those had been on steroids. The procedure, which can be done in a surgery or hospital, can cost anywhere between $3000 and $5000. Initial recovery time is from seven to 10 days and complete recovery is from four to six weeks, which means no heavy exercise.

The process removes fat or glandular tissue from the breasts, and in extreme cases removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer and better contoured. Dr Gahankari, who started working on the Coast in 2006, said the steroid culture seemed particularly common here.

“I’ve seen more of these people here than anywhere else,” he said. There is use, or abuse, of steroids, especially men who are addicted to gym and want that kind of natural look”

“That’s their main objective to have big pecs, big biceps, big shoulders.” Dr Gahankari said not all men used drugs and others simply hit the gym regularly or wanted to fix their chest because of the Coast’s lifestyle.

“The Gold Coast lifestyle is very outdoorsy,” he said. Men hang around together and it obviously becomes a point of discussion”

“It’s one of the reasons why we see a lot of patients. The procedure, which takes about an hour and a half, has gained popularity in recent years”.

Looks aside, Dr Gahankari said there were men with legitimate medical reasons for breast reduction. He has seen all types from a 16-year-old boy to a 72-year-old man. Gynaecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek word for women-like breasts and affects about 40 to 60 per cent of men.

Dr Gahankari said about a quarter of men did not shed extra breast prominence as they grew out of puberty and matured. “They’re very conscious when they take their shirt off,” Dr Gahankari said. “These are genuine people who otherwise live normal lives, they don’t misuse medications.”

A couple of points, yes I said points, this Doctor is quoted as saying:

  • men hang around together and it obviously becomes a point of discussion
  • the Gold Coast lifestyle is very outdoorsy

I suppose those two statement are true?  I just can’t believe that anyone would say that, because I’m not outdoorsy, I don’t hang around with men, nor do I discuss such things.

Maybe I should just check this out “What causes man boobs and how to get rid go them

#breast reduction, #man boobs, #moobs, #steriod use, #surgery